As you start investigating a topic, remember that you'll need to be flexible throughout the process. Your finished topic will probably not look like your original topic. Why will your topic evolve? Your topic might be too broad or too narrow. There may not be enough information on your original topic. You may find a more interesting topic. Just remember to keep an open mind. Begin by writing your thesis statement. Your thesis statement will take shape depending on your discipline or area of interest. You may need background information before you begin your research. Reference materials will help to define your topic. Try encyclopedias, dictionaries, and statistical tables. As you investigate your topic, look for keywords that may be useful as search terms later on. Search terms can be synonyms or related terms. Notice the keywords highlighted in this article on malaria. After you've learned about background information, head to the next step in the research process: Where to find information. Remember, If you need help finding out where to look for a topic, ask a librarian.